The Scribble Widget (for the map) never loads for me – in Australia, with semi-fast broadband (3 tries)! So it’ll be most likely useless for everybody on a slow-ish internet connection. Sorry to tell you…
Brianna! I have no idea when you’ll get this message. Right now, I imagine you guys to be on the road, heading south. So very jealous. Anyway, I was wondering… were you the one who left the Lou Seal Giants bobblehead on my desk? If so, thanks so much. If that wasn’t you, please disregard this part of my message! LOL. Hope you are well. Am looking forward to your posts here letting us know what you’re up to!
Hi Brianna and Logan, Just anxiously awaiting an update post from you. Hope we have subscribed correctly so we will hear from you soon. Love – Grandma & Grandpa
wooooot; I plan on doing this in about 14 months. Will need more expertise and help so this site should be a gold mine. Wish you all the luck and hope to follow your example here in a moment.
We blew through TJ like a Mexican drug lord would a kilo of coke. Once we get to La Paz we’re ferrying across to Mazatlan. Not cheap, but Baja is worth it.
Thrilled we found your website. Safe and happy travels you are in for some great adventures. We crossed from Baja to Mazatlan today, on the cheaper TMC ferry.
Safe travels
Janet and Tom
Janet and Tom: Wonderful website! We’re hot on your tail. We were on the TMC ferry last night and are staying near Mazatlan for a few days. Any spots on the Pacific coast you know of that are must-see’s?
Thank you so much for your donation! We can assure you it’s being put to good use down here in Central America. Per your request, here is a shot (taken 10 minutes ago) of the beach we’re camped at:
Playa Hermosa, Costa Rica, the best surf in the country.
Hi Logan it’s your cousin Ellie and UncleGary we hope you have a great trip tell Mrs.Pribbeno welcome to the family! We love you both very much. Goodbeye. Have Fun!!!!!!!!!!
The serial-uni-bomber look puts the fear into these Latinos. Throw in a truck camper and a pair of aves and the corrupt policia won’t come near us. Just last week I stopped a in-process bank robbery by merely looking into the eyes of the perp.
Hi there, Iwe are following your travels and wish you fun and good luck
on your trip down to Ushuaia !
We are in Valparaíso/Chile. Should you come past here, drop us a line.
And, (we knoe this is a bit premature ;-)) but, should you decide to sell
your camper at the end of your travels, here you’d have someone interested in it.
Great adventures, lots of fun and save travels
Monica & Alberto
hi! I have been following your blog. It is a great one I know you get asked this pretty often, but how much $$$ should be a healthy goal to try and earn/save for a trip of this magnitude? I understand that it is all speculative, espeically when it comes to a choice in vehicle and where you want to stay.
I saw your FAQ…and how you said $30.00. Is this including gas,food,lodging,other misc, car expenses?
And then I saw that you wrote total expense would be less than the new Acura TL which is $35,000. So are you saying you can get a truck, camper and all the rest for under $35,000?
Sorry if this seems repetitive. I would just love to hear any ideas you have on a healthy goal
$30/per person is our goal for day-to-day expenses. It is too early to say if we’ll hit it, but we’ll share it all once we piece together the big picture.
We are doing a feature story on you at, and would like your permission to use photos from your site to go with the story. Would that be alright with you?
Hi, you 2! We just wanted to mention: we LOOOVVE your way of writing your blogs! We just talked about you guys, and hope to see you again on our way down! Big hugs, from Bogota…Andrea & Georg
Hey guys, Dave here from Great to see that you already made it past Quito. What a soulless city. If you have the chance, you should try to go see the Devil’s Cauldron waterfall (Pailon del Diablo)- its just a short drive from Banos. We really liked it. But watch out in the tunnels- we almost had a trip ending accident in one of them. Thanks for the bumps on our blog, that BBC map show was really interesting. I saw that you guys might be headed to the Front Range when you get back- my wife and I live in Fort Collins, and we’de love to take you out for a “congrats on the trip/welcome to Colorado” drink when you get home. Hope all is well, keep up the great blogs, and travel safe- Dave
Hi again, one more thing- I’m sure the Tundra is holding together just fine, but if you do need some parts or work done, you should consider stopping in Cuenca on your way south to Peru. A new leaf spring plus labor was $20 for our Tacoma. Two months later in Chile the same work cost us $220usd. Ciao- Dave
hi! My in-laws (Tom and Janet) have been sharing their travel stories with us here in Milano, so I thought I’d check out your blog. Sounds like you’re having a great trip. Safe travels!
Sounds like you had a great climbing experience in Peru, congratulations and have fun with your folks. We are now in Peru and will be heading south to Machu Picchu sometime next week. Hope to see you back on the road again soon. Stay safe and travel wise. Big hugs to you both
janet and tom
Incredible timing! We are headed for Machu Picchu in about three days and will be there for a week. Keep us posted on your whereabouts, we would love to meet up!
Hi guys! Aaron and Tatiana here! We stumbled upon your profile on DTA. We’re about to head out on our own Latin American adventure and we love reading through your journeys. Happy and safe travels to both of you
Thanks for the note you two! We love keeping up with other overlanders, please send us a link if you’ve got a blog going. We’re more than happy to answer questions if you come up with any along the road. Buen viaje!
I’m awestruck. Thank you for these treasured glimpses of your pilgrimage. I’ve been following you since the early days and checking in has been a thrill. I’ve also been sharing your trip with the patrons of the Rochester Public Library in Rochester, PA. Our summer reading theme was global discovery so the kids had a dose of the PanAmerican through you. Blessings to you both from Bradley Bogolea’s Librarian Aunt, Terri Bogolea Gallagher
Am I correct in noting you are looking for a donation for gas? I’ll make a $2 donation so long as I am repaid in $20 worth of beer upon your return to the workforce when i invite myself to go hunting with you!
MJR, you’re invited anytime! We’re also planning on stopping off in the Bay Area when we return to the states before we resume real life again in the Mid-West. See ya soon.
Buen viaje amigo! Do you have a blog we can follow? Surfing in El Salvador was fantastic, don’t miss it! Had a great time in Guatemala too. Truly loved Antigua and Lago Atitlan. Friendly people and policia in both countries.
HEY GUYS u repplied thats awsom my blog is it b awsom if u wished me luck on there. well the trip is starting tonight were leaving early so that we can have a little rest time in the states instead of driving straight through. ill keep u posted as we move along its so nice to make new friends
Oh Man, you got a good laugh on that one. As for my current risk profile: I’m going to go with the never-before-mentioned rating of 1. Easy street baby.
Great website guys! I am in the initial planning phase and have been very curious about the success of a truck camper on long overhauls. Your website is absolutely invaluable and your articles fantastic. I wish you the best of luck with the sale of The Beast! I am very curious about where all the ‘stuff’ goes ie your spares, your tools, your dry foods, your extra camping stuff – Does it all fit in the back of the cab and in the under couch storage? Or do you require a few boxes or tupperware containers that you store on the floor of the camper? Any photos of your rig fully packed?
Steve, we will take some pictures and get them to you soon. It works out pretty neat with the pop-ups and their extra counter space when popped up.
In short we do have boxes that we store on the floor (when driving) and on the counter space when popped up. It is plenty of storage between this and the back cab. We also have a lot more gear than your average overlander on account of mountain climbing, rock climbing, and other backpacking equipment.
Congrats on your trip! One of these days is not a day of a week, was told to me about 20 years ago and it was good advice.
We hang out in Baja Norte San Felipe so if you ever get this way you can contact us at [email protected] and we will show you the town.
Phil & Suzie
hello from Spain,i just read your article in the TCM and its a wonderful experience , ? I think many people would love and benefit from reading about your trip,what you share you cant find in tipical travel agency and it shows it can be done! (congratulation ,and if you need any info about Spain or europe do tell us
I became acquainted with your travels through Tom and Janet and particularly when reading about your adventure with the container loading in Panama.
Ever since you have had me glued to your progress and marvel at your website. The both of you are a source of great inspiration and a real treat when it comes to writing about your travels.The time has come for me to prepare a similar passage and am looking for a bit of advise.I have a 2008 short bed Toyota Tundra extended cab 4×4 with a raised suspension and am debating what size camper to put on it. Of course, the sky is the limit and I find some rigs overblown for what is really necessary. Like you, I was going to opt for a brand new Palomino , available on E-bay for about $8500.However, I came across a 2006 Outfitter Apex 8 rig for under $10,000 in the U.S.(3300 kms from my place) and it tempts me simply because it has a toilet and shower. Nonetheless, it appears that I would have problems with attaching anything else to the back like Tom did ( He has the shorter version Outfitter and thus could use the rear fender to hook up spare tire and Jerry cans) Question? With your experience, what would you do.? Is having a washroom all that important? You see, my better half is used to a fancy bathroom on our class A RV, which incidentally is sitting for the last 2 years .And, I might add, we are in our sixties.
Also, Tom had the fancy ARB bumper on his Titan with the Warn winch and fog lights etc. Do you think it is worth the expense or would one really need that in Central and South America?
Would really appreciate hearing from you. I thank you in anticipation.With kindest regards,
For the camper it’s important to know that we landed on a Palomino only because of budget reasons. It worked well for us but there are better options out there at a cost. After seeing Tom & Jan’s Outfitter, I would say Outfitter is one of them.
And, the Apex 8 looks great. But with a dry weight of 1,430lbs (add several hundred pounds for options, water, and gear), I would say this is just too much for a Tundra, even an upgraded newer one. It may be fine for cruising the highways of the US and Canada, but probably not Latin America, especially if you want to get off the PanAmerican.
For the shower and bathroom, we have a solar shower ( but no toilet. Since we came from the world of backpacking and tent camping, we never thought twice about it. I like Tom and Jan’s compromise of having a small toilet they could pack away neatly in their camper. I don’t believe they ever used it, but were grateful to carry it along just in case.
Unless you’re heading into the Guatemalan jungle alone, I think a winch, fancy bumpers, and aux lighting are unnecessary for most of us. They look great for photos and are a piece of mind security. But the $5,000 you’ll save can get you out of a lot of situations a winch and lighting cannot.
Hey guys….we haven’t been in touch for awhile but have been enjoying following your journey and dreaming of when we’re there ourselves in a couple of years!
Since we do have the same camper as you…a question….I get the crazy wind in Patagonia having heard stories of it for years… were you even able to pop the camper or did you just have to eat out and sleep in your tent (lol..until being forced into the hotel)?
Just curious what we’ll be faced with.
safe travels as you finish up this epic journey!
Jim & Rhonda
Rhonda and Jim–There has been just _one_ place too windy for our Bronco, El Chalten. We’ve fared through some windy nights with no damage down here and in Bolivia. Facing the front head-on into the wind also helps. This shouldn’t be a huge concern for you.
Every vehicle has its advantages and disadvantages, with the pop-up you certainly have to seek out better cover when camping in the wind. But the light-weight and low profile have been worth it for us.
Hi Guys..this is Robert from Cancun, Mexico.. let me start by congratulating you, because it takes a great spirit to do a spectacular trip as the one you are doing. Im a truck camper magazine reader and i have been dreaming for years to do a similar trip myself. It seems that summer of 2013 will be the perfect timing to do so. Dont have a camper or a truck. I think i would go for a diesel truck and an Artic Fox 811 ( with bathroom + exterior shower ). I have a whole year to do my homework to finding it… also to do the planning of the route..
On your way back, do you have in mind using the same road you used going down or is the Yucatan Peninsula a possibility? It would be an honor to meet you and spend some time with you to know your general impressions and recommendations. Also, Im a Cavern diver guide ( really my hobby ) If you would be interested in knowing some of the best places on Earth to Cavern Diving, the Riviera Maya is packed with spectacular options.
We won’t be driving home at all. Somebody else has purchased the camper to drive home. Thank you for your invite however, we’ve spent some time on the Yucatan and can attest to its beauty.
Should you have any questions about your up coming journey, you know where to find us!
Hi Guys Robert again.. any brief and general suggestions on which country should we be more careful, which towns and road should we avoid, etc?? which places did you enjoy the most?? geographic and people?? thanks so much and kind regards
For country and road avoidance, this changes all of the time. When we went through Central America the only country we somewhat avoided was Honduras. But we’ve heard things are changing and it is not as corrupt as it was. You’ll meet many overlanders on the road (more than you think) and getting current information from them is the best source.
We enjoyed each an every of one the 15 countries that we visited. It is very hard to give specific recommendations. Brianna’s top spots would have to be the beaches in Costa Rica and Panama. Logan’s favorites are Peru and Bolivia.
The nicest people were definitely in Colombia. Don’t miss it.
Happy Anniversary to an amazing couple Love you two, and the life you are making each day together!! Wishing you all the happiness in the world as you remember and celebrate the special vow you have made to each other <3
Hi Guys me and my my wife planning on a drive to Honduras next year , looking for a place to start a new simple life , wondering if any one else is taking such drive from us , currently in AZ but we can meet up any boarder , will be taking our RV , any advise or ideas will be greatly appreciated , email is lakeview115@gmail .com
thanks again for your time
andrew and nuha khoury
Thanks for your advices!! We just finished the trip and really appreciated your page!
By the way selling our truck in Punta Arenas was easy (I think even legal) and people are willing to pay very very good prices there.
Michael and Antonia
Hello and congratulations on you trip! Myself, my wife, and our infant son are planning a long trip into Mexico, Central America , and beyond with a truck camper. I have a couple questions to ask you ; I hope you have the time to answer…
How often did you use 4 wheel drive in your truck and do you think not having the option would limit our trip; if so how much?
Was the climate an issue as far as the heat, and do you recommend an air conditioned camper?
Were there any places you would consider unsafe and not to travel to?
Thanks for the help and thanks for a great web page/blog!
We rarely used 4wd. It’s wonderful to have as a piece of mind, but not necessary. Not having it would of course limit your trip, but we think if you already have a 2WD take it along and you’ll be just fine.
We did have an AC unit and just loved it while we were in Central America. It’s really just a personal preference here. 90% of the overlanders we met south of Mexico didn’t and got along just fine.
We would not recommend avoiding any countries or areas in the planning stage. These things are a touchy issue and often change over night. You’ll be surprised the number of PanAm overlanders you will meet on the road and they will have the best most up-to-date on information like this.
In particular we would like to get some surfing and camping done on some secluded beaches, was this where you put “the beast” into four wheel drive.
If I cant get to those kind of spots than I’m thinking to step up to 4wd.
Thanks for the help.. weaseled their way into many of the spots you’re thinking of without 4WD so it can be done either way. But I personally wouldn’t go with 2WD if you’re looking for seclusion.
Wonderful Site!! My husband and I are in the initial planning stages of a year-long driving tour of the world. We have some time to plan because I just gave birth 10 days ago to our son, and we’d like him to be a tad older before we embark :). We think it will take us 2 years to finalize our plans. Do you have any suggestions for those traveling with toddlers? Or know of travelers that have done this with babies/toddlers?
Just wondering how you went for 3rd party insurance for Sth America. We are shipping our Namibian registered Nissan camper from the UK to Montevideo mid 2014. I heard you can pick them up on the various borders. Would appreciate your advice.
Gary Conlan.
Bellingen Australia
I really enjoyed reading an article on your site. I have been traveling to Central America for a few years now and I can understand your passion for discovery. The world has so much to offer us all in food, culture, people, diversity, and yet a great oneness that brings us together to do good in the world. I have tried to make my site more organized with my travel. Your site was easy to navigate and looks as though it may have been build with Word Press. Which is what I use in combination with a photoshelter link. It’s a big jumble now on links and content. My intention was to be more focused with my travel articles. So thank you both for the inspiration. Your articles have great titles, good writing, and a mix of humor. Which I think is awesome. Really enjoyed how you worked with the maps, and also the slide show for your banner. Was it coded, or plugins? Best of luck with your marriage, and future safe journeys. I look forward to reading more of your articles. Best of wishes. John Dellenger
I really enjoyed reading an article on your site. I have been traveling to Central America for a few years now and I can understand your passion for discovery. The world has so much to offer us all in food, culture, people, diversity, and yet a great oneness that brings us together to do good in the world. I have tried to make my site more organized with my travel. Your site was easy to navigate and looks as though it may have been build with Word Press. Which is what I use in combination with a photoshelter link. It’s a big jumble now on links and content. My intention was to be more focused with my travel articles. So thank you both for the inspiration. Your articles have great titles, good writing, and a mix of humor. Which I think is awesome. Really enjoyed how you worked with the maps, and also the slide show for your banner. Was it coded, or plugins? Best of luck with your marriage, and future safe journeys. I look forward to reading more of your articles. Best of wishes.
Hey guys…I’m currently trying to sell my Canadian registered vehicle in Argentina and I understand you sold your vehicle here. The buyer is concerned about crossing borders without being the registered owner. Is there anything you can tell me that might assure him this works? A report from the new owner or something like that? Thanks, Robbie
To get this done you have to forge the documents (registration for sure and perhaps the title). It worked fine for us and everybody else that sells their vehicle in Latin America. You won’t find much about it online because people aren’t willing to admit this is the route, but when you really dive into the issue this is what you’ll find.
I’ve been binge-reading your blog. Wow! You guys had a helluva trip.
My wife and I, ex-San Franciscans living on the peninsula and recently retired, have been thinking about overlanding for a couple of months.
One of the questions that occurred to me concerns the vehicle registration. You were out of the country for more than a year. Your registration must have expired. Did that cause any problems at border crossings or checkpoints?
Hi, Just a quick question about insurance for your vehicle. Who did you get coverage from in the US? Does it cover you in all your travels, or did you have to get country specific coverage in each country you went to? Can you remember how much the coverage was?
Hi guys, love the site and know it has long been completed. Question… sleeping bags. For all your use, outdoor and the camper, with exception on mountaineering, what degree rated bag did you use or wish you would have used?
We are looking for a place to park our 4X4 near Mendoza or Cordoba during a few months from the end of May to the beginning of November 2019; a place secured, closed. If you have some ideas or some adress we would be pleased
Wow! I wish you two the best of luck and I look forward to seeing the adventure unfold!
I am sooo excited for you!! Have fun, Learn lots and come home safely!!! Loves to both of you.
Truly inspiring!!!!!!!
The Scribble Widget (for the map) never loads for me – in Australia, with semi-fast broadband (3 tries)! So it’ll be most likely useless for everybody on a slow-ish internet connection. Sorry to tell you…
Have fun – actually: you will!
Try again, it should be using Google Maps now instead of the Scribble Flash viewer.
Brianna! I have no idea when you’ll get this message. Right now, I imagine you guys to be on the road, heading south. So very jealous. Anyway, I was wondering… were you the one who left the Lou Seal Giants bobblehead on my desk? If so, thanks so much. If that wasn’t you, please disregard this part of my message! LOL. Hope you are well. Am looking forward to your posts here letting us know what you’re up to!
Hi Brianna and Logan, Just anxiously awaiting an update post from you. Hope we have subscribed correctly so we will hear from you soon. Love – Grandma & Grandpa
You are right on the money G&G – hope you’re enjoying the updates
Looking forward to sharing in your adventure (even if it’s just by update!). Many adventures await. Fare well, pilgrims!
Philrod- I thought for sure you would tag along on your Harley!
wooooot; I plan on doing this in about 14 months. Will need more expertise and help so this site should be a gold mine. Wish you all the luck and hope to follow your example here in a moment.
Keep it dialed in right here. We’re blogging this for folks like you. Also check out:
Cheers to crossing the border! Imagine me holding a shot of Jameson.
Here’s to quickly getting through Tijuana, Rosarita, and on to the less touristy spots! BTW, how are you getting from Baja to main land?
Thanks Neil. Here was our first stay in Mexico:
We blew through TJ like a Mexican drug lord would a kilo of coke. Once we get to La Paz we’re ferrying across to Mazatlan. Not cheap, but Baja is worth it.
Oler, Que pasa. What are ya all doing in that country? Wish I was with ya all taking it easy.
Did you take a fishing ploe? there is the greatest fishing right on those beaches you are headed too.
We do plan to do a bit of fishing. Gonna have to pick up a few Barbie fishing poles at wal-mart and try our luck.
I am sorry about my spelling;)
Thrilled we found your website. Safe and happy travels you are in for some great adventures. We crossed from Baja to Mazatlan today, on the cheaper TMC ferry.
Safe travels
Janet and Tom
Janet and Tom: Wonderful website! We’re hot on your tail. We were on the TMC ferry last night and are staying near Mazatlan for a few days. Any spots on the Pacific coast you know of that are must-see’s?
Logan – All looks great mate – getting more jealous by every minute i work on our old jobs! Have a few Margaritas for me.
MJR: Hope all is well. We’ve toasted more than a few times in your honor my friend.
I love reading about your adventure! Thanks for taking the time to share!
Wishing you an amazing day tomorrow!! Your wedding will be beautiful, and we’ll all be thinking of you!
Much love <3
Enjoy your journey, and when you arrive at the next beach camp send me a pic of the ocean and have dinner on me.
Thanks for sharing…
Thank you so much for your donation! We can assure you it’s being put to good use down here in Central America. Per your request, here is a shot (taken 10 minutes ago) of the beach we’re camped at:
Playa Hermosa, Costa Rica, the best surf in the country.
Hi Logan it’s your cousin Ellie and UncleGary we hope you have a great trip tell Mrs.Pribbeno welcome to the family! We love you both very much. Goodbeye. Have Fun!!!!!!!!!!
First off, congrats on the wedding. Secondly, is your 70s-style beard helping you on your journey?
The serial-uni-bomber look puts the fear into these Latinos. Throw in a truck camper and a pair of aves and the corrupt policia won’t come near us. Just last week I stopped a in-process bank robbery by merely looking into the eyes of the perp.
The first picture I saw from you automatically made my computer shut down out of fear! Hope all is well for you both!
Hi there, Iwe are following your travels and wish you fun and good luck
on your trip down to Ushuaia !
We are in Valparaíso/Chile. Should you come past here, drop us a line.
And, (we knoe this is a bit premature ;-)) but, should you decide to sell
your camper at the end of your travels, here you’d have someone interested in it.
Great adventures, lots of fun and save travels
Monica & Alberto
Muchas Gracias for the kind words of encouragement and the donation to our ongoing adventure!
hi! I have been following your blog. It is a great one
I know you get asked this pretty often, but how much $$$ should be a healthy goal to try and earn/save for a trip of this magnitude? I understand that it is all speculative, espeically when it comes to a choice in vehicle and where you want to stay.
I saw your FAQ…and how you said $30.00. Is this including gas,food,lodging,other misc, car expenses?
And then I saw that you wrote total expense would be less than the new Acura TL which is $35,000. So are you saying you can get a truck, camper and all the rest for under $35,000?
Sorry if this seems repetitive. I would just love to hear any ideas you have on a healthy goal
Congrats on your marriage btw
$30/per person is our goal for day-to-day expenses. It is too early to say if we’ll hit it, but we’ll share it all once we piece together the big picture.
We used these numbers when crafting our own budget:
More to come
great to see you made it safely to Panama we are close behind you
We are doing a feature story on you at, and would like your permission to use photos from your site to go with the story. Would that be alright with you?
Sounds great! Let us know how we can help.
Hi, you 2! We just wanted to mention: we LOOOVVE your way of writing your blogs! We just talked about you guys, and hope to see you again on our way down! Big hugs, from Bogota…Andrea & Georg
We hope to (will) see you again soon.
Hey guys, Dave here from Great to see that you already made it past Quito. What a soulless city. If you have the chance, you should try to go see the Devil’s Cauldron waterfall (Pailon del Diablo)- its just a short drive from Banos. We really liked it. But watch out in the tunnels- we almost had a trip ending accident in one of them. Thanks for the bumps on our blog, that BBC map show was really interesting. I saw that you guys might be headed to the Front Range when you get back- my wife and I live in Fort Collins, and we’de love to take you out for a “congrats on the trip/welcome to Colorado” drink when you get home. Hope all is well, keep up the great blogs, and travel safe- Dave
Hey Dave! Thanks for the note. The Fort is #1 on the list, we will certainly look you up.
Hi again, one more thing- I’m sure the Tundra is holding together just fine, but if you do need some parts or work done, you should consider stopping in Cuenca on your way south to Peru. A new leaf spring plus labor was $20 for our Tacoma. Two months later in Chile the same work cost us $220usd. Ciao- Dave
hi! My in-laws (Tom and Janet) have been sharing their travel stories with us here in Milano, so I thought I’d check out your blog. Sounds like you’re having a great trip. Safe travels!
Thanks for checking us out! We really enjoyed our time with Tom and Jan last month, they kept us sane.
Sounds like you had a great climbing experience in Peru, congratulations and have fun with your folks. We are now in Peru and will be heading south to Machu Picchu sometime next week. Hope to see you back on the road again soon. Stay safe and travel wise. Big hugs to you both
janet and tom
Incredible timing! We are headed for Machu Picchu in about three days and will be there for a week. Keep us posted on your whereabouts, we would love to meet up!
Hi guys! Aaron and Tatiana here! We stumbled upon your profile on DTA. We’re about to head out on our own Latin American adventure and we love reading through your journeys. Happy and safe travels to both of you
Thanks for the note you two! We love keeping up with other overlanders, please send us a link if you’ve got a blog going. We’re more than happy to answer questions if you come up with any along the road. Buen viaje!
I’m awestruck. Thank you for these treasured glimpses of your pilgrimage. I’ve been following you since the early days and checking in has been a thrill. I’ve also been sharing your trip with the patrons of the Rochester Public Library in Rochester, PA. Our summer reading theme was global discovery so the kids had a dose of the PanAmerican through you. Blessings to you both from Bradley Bogolea’s Librarian Aunt, Terri Bogolea Gallagher
Your comment warms our hearts! We’re so happy to hear you’re sharing the journey with us. Thank you for following and for the kind words!
Am I correct in noting you are looking for a donation for gas? I’ll make a $2 donation so long as I am repaid in $20 worth of beer upon your return to the workforce when i invite myself to go hunting with you!
MJR, you’re invited anytime! We’re also planning on stopping off in the Bay Area when we return to the states before we resume real life again in the Mid-West. See ya soon.
hey guys i leave ottawa on sat morning heading to lima u helped me out alot how was el salvador and guatemala
Buen viaje amigo! Do you have a blog we can follow? Surfing in El Salvador was fantastic, don’t miss it! Had a great time in Guatemala too. Truly loved Antigua and Lago Atitlan. Friendly people and policia in both countries.
HEY GUYS u repplied thats awsom my blog is it b awsom if u wished me luck on there. well the trip is starting tonight were leaving early so that we can have a little rest time in the states instead of driving straight through. ill keep u posted as we move along its so nice to make new friends
hey guys appreciate the information i am planning the trip to start in two years and this has been a great resource. keep it up!
Thanks for writing us! Starting next Sunday we have a ten part series of PanAm overlanding advice just for folks like you. Check it out.
1-5 whats your current risk profile?
Oh Man, you got a good laugh on that one. As for my current risk profile: I’m going to go with the never-before-mentioned rating of 1. Easy street baby.
Great website guys! I am in the initial planning phase and have been very curious about the success of a truck camper on long overhauls. Your website is absolutely invaluable and your articles fantastic. I wish you the best of luck with the sale of The Beast! I am very curious about where all the ‘stuff’ goes ie your spares, your tools, your dry foods, your extra camping stuff – Does it all fit in the back of the cab and in the under couch storage? Or do you require a few boxes or tupperware containers that you store on the floor of the camper? Any photos of your rig fully packed?
Travel well!
Steve in Ottawa
Steve, we will take some pictures and get them to you soon. It works out pretty neat with the pop-ups and their extra counter space when popped up.
In short we do have boxes that we store on the floor (when driving) and on the counter space when popped up. It is plenty of storage between this and the back cab. We also have a lot more gear than your average overlander on account of mountain climbing, rock climbing, and other backpacking equipment.
Congrats on your trip! One of these days is not a day of a week, was told to me about 20 years ago and it was good advice.
We hang out in Baja Norte San Felipe so if you ever get this way you can contact us at [email protected] and we will show you the town.
Phil & Suzie
Great advice! We will definitely be returning to Baja.
Keep on going! Great job. Enjoy life
hello from Spain,i just read your article in the TCM and its a wonderful experience , ? I think many people would love and benefit from reading about your trip,what you share you cant find in tipical travel agency and it shows it can be done! (congratulation ,and if you need any info about Spain or europe do tell us
I became acquainted with your travels through Tom and Janet and particularly when reading about your adventure with the container loading in Panama.
Ever since you have had me glued to your progress and marvel at your website. The both of you are a source of great inspiration and a real treat when it comes to writing about your travels.The time has come for me to prepare a similar passage and am looking for a bit of advise.I have a 2008 short bed Toyota Tundra extended cab 4×4 with a raised suspension and am debating what size camper to put on it. Of course, the sky is the limit and I find some rigs overblown for what is really necessary. Like you, I was going to opt for a brand new Palomino , available on E-bay for about $8500.However, I came across a 2006 Outfitter Apex 8 rig for under $10,000 in the U.S.(3300 kms from my place) and it tempts me simply because it has a toilet and shower. Nonetheless, it appears that I would have problems with attaching anything else to the back like Tom did ( He has the shorter version Outfitter and thus could use the rear fender to hook up spare tire and Jerry cans) Question? With your experience, what would you do.? Is having a washroom all that important? You see, my better half is used to a fancy bathroom on our class A RV, which incidentally is sitting for the last 2 years .And, I might add, we are in our sixties.
Also, Tom had the fancy ARB bumper on his Titan with the Warn winch and fog lights etc. Do you think it is worth the expense or would one really need that in Central and South America?
Would really appreciate hearing from you. I thank you in anticipation.With kindest regards,
Mashoud Janjua
North Lancaster, Ontario, Canada.
E-mail : [email protected]
We love to help with these things!
For the camper it’s important to know that we landed on a Palomino only because of budget reasons. It worked well for us but there are better options out there at a cost. After seeing Tom & Jan’s Outfitter, I would say Outfitter is one of them.
And, the Apex 8 looks great. But with a dry weight of 1,430lbs (add several hundred pounds for options, water, and gear), I would say this is just too much for a Tundra, even an upgraded newer one. It may be fine for cruising the highways of the US and Canada, but probably not Latin America, especially if you want to get off the PanAmerican.
For the shower and bathroom, we have a solar shower ( but no toilet. Since we came from the world of backpacking and tent camping, we never thought twice about it. I like Tom and Jan’s compromise of having a small toilet they could pack away neatly in their camper. I don’t believe they ever used it, but were grateful to carry it along just in case.
Unless you’re heading into the Guatemalan jungle alone, I think a winch, fancy bumpers, and aux lighting are unnecessary for most of us. They look great for photos and are a piece of mind security. But the $5,000 you’ll save can get you out of a lot of situations a winch and lighting cannot.
Good luck and please keep us updated!
Hey guys….we haven’t been in touch for awhile but have been enjoying following your journey and dreaming of when we’re there ourselves in a couple of years!
Since we do have the same camper as you…a question….I get the crazy wind in Patagonia having heard stories of it for years… were you even able to pop the camper or did you just have to eat out and sleep in your tent (lol..until being forced into the hotel)?
Just curious what we’ll be faced with.
safe travels as you finish up this epic journey!
Jim & Rhonda
Rhonda and Jim–There has been just _one_ place too windy for our Bronco, El Chalten. We’ve fared through some windy nights with no damage down here and in Bolivia. Facing the front head-on into the wind also helps. This shouldn’t be a huge concern for you.
Every vehicle has its advantages and disadvantages, with the pop-up you certainly have to seek out better cover when camping in the wind. But the light-weight and low profile have been worth it for us.
Hi Guys..this is Robert from Cancun, Mexico.. let me start by congratulating you, because it takes a great spirit to do a spectacular trip as the one you are doing. Im a truck camper magazine reader and i have been dreaming for years to do a similar trip myself. It seems that summer of 2013 will be the perfect timing to do so. Dont have a camper or a truck. I think i would go for a diesel truck and an Artic Fox 811 ( with bathroom + exterior shower ). I have a whole year to do my homework to finding it… also to do the planning of the route..
On your way back, do you have in mind using the same road you used going down or is the Yucatan Peninsula a possibility? It would be an honor to meet you and spend some time with you to know your general impressions and recommendations. Also, Im a Cavern diver guide ( really my hobby ) If you would be interested in knowing some of the best places on Earth to Cavern Diving, the Riviera Maya is packed with spectacular options.
Drive safe and enjoy..
Kind Regards
Robert and Sindia
Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico
email.. [email protected]
Hey Robert,
We won’t be driving home at all. Somebody else has purchased the camper to drive home. Thank you for your invite however, we’ve spent some time on the Yucatan and can attest to its beauty.
Should you have any questions about your up coming journey, you know where to find us!
Hi Guys Robert again.. any brief and general suggestions on which country should we be more careful, which towns and road should we avoid, etc?? which places did you enjoy the most?? geographic and people?? thanks so much and kind regards
Hey Robert,
For country and road avoidance, this changes all of the time. When we went through Central America the only country we somewhat avoided was Honduras. But we’ve heard things are changing and it is not as corrupt as it was. You’ll meet many overlanders on the road (more than you think) and getting current information from them is the best source.
We enjoyed each an every of one the 15 countries that we visited. It is very hard to give specific recommendations. Brianna’s top spots would have to be the beaches in Costa Rica and Panama. Logan’s favorites are Peru and Bolivia.
The nicest people were definitely in Colombia. Don’t miss it.
Happy Anniversary to an amazing couple
Love you two, and the life you are making each day together!! Wishing you all the happiness in the world as you remember and celebrate the special vow you have made to each other <3
Hi Guys,
Do you have a phone number yet? I need to ask you a question. My number is 403-269-3617 at home, or 403-818-5263.
Tom and Janet
Hi Guys me and my my wife planning on a drive to Honduras next year , looking for a place to start a new simple life , wondering if any one else is taking such drive from us , currently in AZ but we can meet up any boarder , will be taking our RV , any advise or ideas will be greatly appreciated , email is lakeview115@gmail .com
thanks again for your time
andrew and nuha khoury
Thanks for your advices!! We just finished the trip and really appreciated your page!
By the way selling our truck in Punta Arenas was easy (I think even legal) and people are willing to pay very very good prices there.
Michael and Antonia
Hello and congratulations on you trip! Myself, my wife, and our infant son are planning a long trip into Mexico, Central America , and beyond with a truck camper. I have a couple questions to ask you ; I hope you have the time to answer…
How often did you use 4 wheel drive in your truck and do you think not having the option would limit our trip; if so how much?
Was the climate an issue as far as the heat, and do you recommend an air conditioned camper?
Were there any places you would consider unsafe and not to travel to?
Thanks for the help and thanks for a great web page/blog!
We rarely used 4wd. It’s wonderful to have as a piece of mind, but not necessary. Not having it would of course limit your trip, but we think if you already have a 2WD take it along and you’ll be just fine.
We did have an AC unit and just loved it while we were in Central America. It’s really just a personal preference here. 90% of the overlanders we met south of Mexico didn’t and got along just fine.
We would not recommend avoiding any countries or areas in the planning stage. These things are a touchy issue and often change over night. You’ll be surprised the number of PanAm overlanders you will meet on the road and they will have the best most up-to-date on information like this.
Buen Viaje!
In particular we would like to get some surfing and camping done on some secluded beaches, was this where you put “the beast” into four wheel drive.
If I cant get to those kind of spots than I’m thinking to step up to 4wd.
Thanks for the help.. weaseled their way into many of the spots you’re thinking of without 4WD so it can be done either way. But I personally wouldn’t go with 2WD if you’re looking for seclusion.
Hey we’ve enjoyed reading your website. We have some questions for you about your trip.
Fire away Matthew or email
Wonderful Site!! My husband and I are in the initial planning stages of a year-long driving tour of the world. We have some time to plan because I just gave birth 10 days ago to our son, and we’d like him to be a tad older before we embark :). We think it will take us 2 years to finalize our plans. Do you have any suggestions for those traveling with toddlers? Or know of travelers that have done this with babies/toddlers?
Check out
Just wondering how you went for 3rd party insurance for Sth America. We are shipping our Namibian registered Nissan camper from the UK to Montevideo mid 2014. I heard you can pick them up on the various borders. Would appreciate your advice.
Gary Conlan.
Bellingen Australia
We used Sanborn’s insurance for all of Latin America. You can pick up insurance for certain countires at a few border crossings, but not most of the,.
some great photos…would be good to know where each photo was taken.
I really enjoyed reading an article on your site. I have been traveling to Central America for a few years now and I can understand your passion for discovery. The world has so much to offer us all in food, culture, people, diversity, and yet a great oneness that brings us together to do good in the world. I have tried to make my site more organized with my travel. Your site was easy to navigate and looks as though it may have been build with Word Press. Which is what I use in combination with a photoshelter link. It’s a big jumble now on links and content. My intention was to be more focused with my travel articles. So thank you both for the inspiration. Your articles have great titles, good writing, and a mix of humor. Which I think is awesome. Really enjoyed how you worked with the maps, and also the slide show for your banner. Was it coded, or plugins? Best of luck with your marriage, and future safe journeys. I look forward to reading more of your articles. Best of wishes. John Dellenger
I really enjoyed reading an article on your site. I have been traveling to Central America for a few years now and I can understand your passion for discovery. The world has so much to offer us all in food, culture, people, diversity, and yet a great oneness that brings us together to do good in the world. I have tried to make my site more organized with my travel. Your site was easy to navigate and looks as though it may have been build with Word Press. Which is what I use in combination with a photoshelter link. It’s a big jumble now on links and content. My intention was to be more focused with my travel articles. So thank you both for the inspiration. Your articles have great titles, good writing, and a mix of humor. Which I think is awesome. Really enjoyed how you worked with the maps, and also the slide show for your banner. Was it coded, or plugins? Best of luck with your marriage, and future safe journeys. I look forward to reading more of your articles. Best of wishes.
Texx Offroad Solution – Tires 4×4 offroad
Hey guys…I’m currently trying to sell my Canadian registered vehicle in Argentina and I understand you sold your vehicle here. The buyer is concerned about crossing borders without being the registered owner. Is there anything you can tell me that might assure him this works? A report from the new owner or something like that? Thanks, Robbie
Hey there,
To get this done you have to forge the documents (registration for sure and perhaps the title). It worked fine for us and everybody else that sells their vehicle in Latin America. You won’t find much about it online because people aren’t willing to admit this is the route, but when you really dive into the issue this is what you’ll find.
I’ve been binge-reading your blog. Wow! You guys had a helluva trip.
My wife and I, ex-San Franciscans living on the peninsula and recently retired, have been thinking about overlanding for a couple of months.
One of the questions that occurred to me concerns the vehicle registration. You were out of the country for more than a year. Your registration must have expired. Did that cause any problems at border crossings or checkpoints?
Hi, Just a quick question about insurance for your vehicle. Who did you get coverage from in the US? Does it cover you in all your travels, or did you have to get country specific coverage in each country you went to? Can you remember how much the coverage was?
Hi guys, love the site and know it has long been completed. Question… sleeping bags. For all your use, outdoor and the camper, with exception on mountaineering, what degree rated bag did you use or wish you would have used?
love your blog
You guys are inspiration to me…. Soon I will be on the road too … I may meet each other, who knows ? =)
We are looking for a place to park our 4X4 near Mendoza or Cordoba during a few months from the end of May to the beginning of November 2019; a place secured, closed. If you have some ideas or some adress we would be pleased